By buying a ticket for Welcome to Whisky, you agree to abide by these common-sense guidelines which have been designed to ensure a convivial, safe environment for everyone at the show.

The Whisky Exchange promotes and encourages responsible drinking by all visitors. If you see people engaged in disruptive or offensive behaviour, then please informing a member of staff. 

  • Show Etiquette

    • The Whisky Exchange promotes and encourages responsible drinking by all visitors attending the event.

    • The legal drinking age in the UK is 18 years old. Show organisers may ask for proof of ID from any guests whom they believe to be underage.

    • The show is all about fine whisky, education, fun and enjoyment – not excess.

    • Visitors are strongly encouraged to eat before and during the show. Once you have your wristband you are free to come and go as you please.

    • As well as eating, visitors are encouraged to drink plenty of water in between drams and take regular breaks from tasting during the show.

    • There will be spittoons and free drinking water available on all exhibitor stands and in easily visible locations throughout the show venue.

    • As part of their duty of care to the show’s visitors, exhibitors will not serve anyone whom they believe to have consumed an excessive amount of alcohol.

    • All samples will be poured by exhibitors only into the sample glasses provided and must be consumed at the show. It is against show policy for samples to be poured or transferred into sample bottles and taken away from the venue.

    • Safety stewards will be on duty at the show for the help and protection of all visitors and exhibitors.

    • The stewards will ask anyone who is inebriated or who becomes disruptive or displays actions that are deemed offensive to other visitors or exhibitors to leave the show.

    • No readmittance will be granted to anyone who has been asked to leave the show or who has been removed from the show for the above reasons.

    The above guidelines, if followed correctly, should greatly enhance visitors’ enjoyment of the 

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