Joining us for this feat of sensory challenge are four of the world’s top palates:
Dave Broom – drinks writer extraordinaire and host of Whisky Show, Dave has tried more whiskies than most people in the world, and can tell a story about all ofthem.
Serge Valentin – one of the few people who’ve probably tried more whiskies than Dave: the writer of’s 20,112 tasting notes (at time of writing).
Sukhinder Singh – co-founder of The Whisky Exchange, whisky collector and serial sharer of drams. Sukhinder’s nose and palate are up there with the best in the business.
Dawn Davies – Master of Wine and analytical machine. Give Dawn a whisky and she can break it down into its component parts and tell you what it is.
Come along and see if you’ve got what it takes to Name That Dram.